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Psychiatric Emergency Services

***You must call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room if you are in imminent danger, below are non imminent numbers.


PES is a walk-in psychiatric emergency service clinic open 24/7 and is staffed by licensed clinicians, Psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners,Social Workers, and qualified Mental Health Professionals. PES provides psychiatric assessment, crisis intervention, linkage with resources, and physician services to children/youth and adults experiencing psychiatric distress. PES works like the 24/7 Crisis Hotline, in that it is where individuals can go for an initial assessment for services:


Brookhaven Memorial  Hospital                 (631) 654-7763

Eastern Long Island Hospital                      (631) 477-5144

Mather Memorial Hospital                           (631) 476-2808

Southside Hospital                                         (631) 968-3314

St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center        (631) 862-3111

Stony Brook University Medical Center     (631) 444-6050                 


All hotlines operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week unless otherwise noted


                                    *******911********    always available


Children of HOPE                                                 877-796-HOPE       24/7

Huntington Hotline                                             631-549-8700         24/7

Islip Hotline                                                           631-277-4700         8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Mental Health Hotline                                        631-952-3333        10:00 am - 11:00pm

Long Island Crisis                                                 516-679-1111        24/7

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